Betta fish, or betta splendens (their scientific name), come from a huge family of fish, typically called Siamese fighting fish.  Betta fish are fairly small and often vibrantly colored.  Betta fish are a specific kind of fish that is known as a labyrinth fish.  They are known as Siamese fighting fish because of their very mean behavior when placed with other bettas.  Therefore, it's a good idea to keep them separate from other fish.

Other than their big fins that make them look big, bettas are generally fairly small.  Most bettas barely get to three inches in length in their lifetime.  The normal coloration of a betta fish is green and brown, however many become full of vibrant colors like turquoise, pink, salmon and a whole lot more.  These patterns are made through selective breeding.  All bettas have flowy fins that are pretty small, but because of selective breeding some have larger  fins.  [url= Find Out More]

While housing bettas in aquariums, it's wise to keep them separated.  They will battle each other constantly if they are in the same tank.  Additionally, male betta fish will habitually attack female bettas.  You shouldn't keep a female and male betta fish with each other, unless you are working to get them to breed.  The sole exception, is female bettas with other females.  Females are able to be kept in groups of 3 to seven provided the tank is big enough.  Adding aquarium decorations, driftwood, live or fake aquatic plants and some other spaces to hide should help them get along well.  You can keep some different kinds of fish with a single male or several female bettas.  There are several things to consider as well as compatible tank mates, the fish also need to have the same water requirements as well.

Betta fish are meat eating fish.  Because they are surface feeders, their mouths are upturned.  Bettas naturally love to eat bloodworms and other aquatic insects.  If you're a betta owner, you can find food that is called betta pellets.  Most betta pellets and flakes are a combination of ingredients, for instance ghost shrimp, water bound insect larvae and wheat flour to bind it together.  Bettas really love eating frozen glassworms and shrimp.

Naturally, a male and female betta get together to breed.  When the male happens to be interested in the female, he will flare his gills and spread his fins.  If the female betta becomes excited, she will darken in color.  A nest of bubbles will be constructed by the waters surface by the male betta fish.  Then, the female drops her eggs, so the male can fertilize them.  The male betta fish will swim around gently gathering the fertilized eggs in his mouth and put them gently into the nest of bubbles.  The fertilized eggs remain in the safety of the nest of bubbles until they begin to get larger.

Betta fish are a tough fish, and if taken care of adequately, will live for six years or even more.  Always make sure that you keep an adequate habitat and nutrition.  Bettas are a fun and unique fish, but they're really aggressive and should be kept  in a specific aquarium.

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